Important Dates

Monday, 13 November 2017

Past President's AGM

The Central Coast Past President's Association held its AGM on Sunday 12th November 2017. Munmorah's Charlie Cassar was elected President. Jim Turner (Munmorah) Senior Vice President and John Hall (Umina Beach) Vice President. The position of Secretary/Treasurer was divided into two roles with Kay Hall (Umina) elected Secretary and Pat Wallis (Everglades) elected Treasurer. Retiring President Stan Rogerson (Ettalong) and Retiring Secretary/Treasurer Maureen Turner (Munmorah) remaining members of the Committee.
Stan Rogerson was voted in as a Life Member of the Association.  He was nominated for the honour by Frank Pengelly (Everglades) and seconded by Ian Jarrat (Umina Beach).  Stan is the current President of the NSW
New President Charlie Cassar bestows Life Membership on outgoing President Stan Rogerson.