Important Dates

Saturday, 25 August 2018

Members Day at Gosford City

New President of Gosford City Men's Bowling Club Ian Bennetts presided over his first members day on Saturday 25th August 2018.

In attendance were Tony Hegyi Deput President of Bowls Central Coast and Doug Rose Secretary and State Councillor.  The event was also attended by Ed Johnson Deputy Chairman of the Central Coast Leagues Club.

Major award recipients were outgoing President Wes Lascock who received a 10 Years Service BCC Merit award.   Wes has been on the Gosford City committee for the past 11 years as Secretary then President.  Another 10 year BCC Merit badge was awarded to Bob Fraser who is an Umpire and a Coach as well as Senior Vice President. Bob runs the raffle after bowls every day and he has organized the cooking of the barbecue for the Mariners supporters every home game for the last 2 seasons.

Royal NSW Bowling Association name bars were awarded to Terry Pike and 15 year old Brandon Willmette.   Terry is always around the Club assisting with whatever is happening including the distribution on the new shirts, jackets and caps.  Brandon Willmette  although still at school assists the Match Committee and the Selection Committee, but he does not participate with the selection of the teams. He is a very enthusiastic young man.  Brandon was unable to attend the Members Day as he was in Dubbo with the BCC Under 18 Inter-Zone Side.

After the Presentations and lunch players adjourned to the greens to contest the  Keith Rumbelow Trophy but unfortunately after only 6 or 7 ends were driven off the greens by rain and the event was called off.   Never the less the participants all enjoyed the afternoon.

In the photo below immediate Past President Wes Lascock is congratulated on his award by new President Ian Bennettes.