Important Dates

Thursday, 25 October 2018

2018 Veterans Inter Zone

The very first Veteran's (Over 70) Inter-Zone Sides Championship was played on 24th and 25th October 2018 at the Grandviews Bowling Club.

There were only five (5) Zones in attendance but this event is sure to grow into an event of the size of the Open and Seniors (Over 60) Inter Zone Sides championship which also started with limited numbers of Zones competing.

The Zones entered in the inaugural event were Zones 2, 9, 10, 13 and 15.

Congratulations to a neighbors Zone 2 who won the event to become the inaugural Veteran's Inter-Zone Championships. 

Unfortunately Zone 15 did not have a good tournament losing all games against the other Zones.  However on two occasions we won two of the three ends to be narrowly defeted on the big board .  The teams were Michael Bell (TE), Pat Taylor (Tou), Tony Swaine (Ter) and Peter Hamill l who won 3 games, Allan Rhodes (UB) Lindsay Adamson (UB),  Alan Lewin (Ett) and Lindsay Willding (Hal) who won 2 games, and Neil Williams (TE), Daryl Walton (Mun), Michael Foley (Ter) and Phil Flippence (TE) who won their last game after an adjustment to the team..

The weather held up providing good playing conditions and the green was superb. .

For more information check out the Zone 13 Zone 13 'Central & Southern Sydney' Bowling Association Inc. facebook page.

We at Zone 15 will be hosting this event next year and we will be working hard to ensure that more Zone Sides are entered.

Doug Rose