Important Dates

Monday, 5 August 2019

Umina Beach Presidents and Officers Day

Umina Beach Men's Bowling Club successfully held its 2019 President's and Officers Day on Saturday 3rd August.   President Mark Speerin awarded a RNSWBA Merit Badge to Secretary Peter Springett for 33+ years of bowls administration roles in a number of Clubs in Zone 9 (North Shore) and Zone 15 (Central Coast).  These roles include: Director, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Selector, Bowls Secretary, Sponsor and even Licensee.  The badge was presented to Peter by BCC State Councillor and Secretary Doug Rose.

Toast Master Ian Jarratt invited toasts to:
  • Bowls NSW and Bowls Central Coast - responded to by Doug Rose and BCC Treasurer Jeff Thompson
  • Umina Men's Bowling Club President and Officers - responded to by President Mark Speerin
  • Marrylands RSL and Club Umina - responded to by Merrylands RSL Director Roger Ford, and
  • Guests which included representatives from Ettalong, Everglades, Merrylands and Woy Woy Bowling Clubs.  
Bowls Central Coast  tie bars were presented by BCC Treasurer Jeff Thompson to Vice President Michael McHale and Robert Murphy for many years of outstanding service on committee, especially in the area of catering.

A RNSWBA tie bar was presented by Doug Rose to Brian Butterworth for hos outstanding service, especially his 5+ years as Welfare Officer.

After a most excellent lunch of roast pork or roast beef, the players adjourned to he greens to play a game of turn about fours with players playing 5 ends in each position.  It was a most enjoyable day.

BCC Treasurer Jeff Thompson, RNSWBA Merit Badge Recipient Peter Springett and BCC Secretary and State Councillor Doug Rose.