Important Dates

Saturday, 14 September 2019

Everglades 2019 Members Day

Everglades celebrated their 2019 Members Day today 14th September 2019.  The day was attended by BCC State Councillor and Secretary Doug Rose and BCC Chairman of Match Garry Ellis.

The day was very professionally organised by Master of Ceremonies Andrew McDonald.  The attendees enjoyed a game of bowls in the morning then a most excellent 2 course lunch that reflected well on the quality of dining enjoyed at Everglades.

Bowls NSW Merit Badges were presented by Doug Rose to Vice President Max Hull and Treasurer Mal well as Royal Tie Bars to Assistant Secretary Gary Clarke and Men's Bowls Section President Ian Richardson who unfortunately was not in attendance.  Ladies Bowls Section President Jan Jones announced the presentation of RNSWBA Ladies Broaches to Pat Bray and Val Davey.  Unfortunately Val was not in attendance, but Doug skillfully pinned the broach on Pat.

Zone Merit Badges were presented by Garry Ellis to Chairman of Selectors (and SCROLL operator) Peter Gaffel and also to Publicity Officer Brian Dolan.  Brian is also a member of the Committee and attends BCC Management meetings.    A Zone name bar was presented to relative newcomer John Orme.   Andrew then asked Garry to announce that the other name bar was to be presented to Andrew McDonald for 4 years on Committee and 5 years as Bowls Secretary, incredibly overdue one might say.   

Jan Jones announced the presentation of Zone Ladies Broaches to Carol Edwards and Wendy Ide which were handed to the ladies by Garry Ellis.

Bowling Clubs would not exist without the hard work of volunteers and Everglades needs to be congratulated for ensuring that a Members Day (or similar) is held each year to thank their hard working members. 

L to R Jan Jones, GM Ross Seabrook, Max Hull, ECC Vice President Warwick Forrest, Doug Rose and Garry Ellis.