Important Dates

Sunday, 3 November 2019

Central Coast Past Presidents AGM

The Central Coast District Past President's Association had it's AGM today 3rd November 2019, at Everglades with a pleasing attendance of 44 members.  Larraine Cooper was elected unopposed for her second term as President. Ian Jarratt and Lyn Ferguson were elected Deputy Presidents, with Ian taking on the role of Publicity Officer.  Lynne McDowell was elected to her 2nd term as Treasurer.  Other elected committee members were Ian's wife Gwen Jarratt and Pam Price. 

Outgoing Secretary Kay Hall's report listed a most impressive array of monthly events planned for 2020 which included Christmas in July, a Bus trip in October, a men only day, a reciprocal ladies only day, and a even a non-bowling event for a change of focus.  The members are looking forward to  another exciting year.

(l to r) President Larraine Cooper, Treasurer Lynne McDowell, Vice President Ian Jarratt, Committee members Gwen Jarratt, Pam Price, and Vice President Lyn Ferguson. (Photographer A. Nonymous)