Important Dates

Thursday, 23 April 2020

Address from the President

Hi Everyone, 

I hope you are all keeping safe and well during these difficult times, as the Australian and World bowls communities comes to terms with the extreme health threat of the Coronavirus (COVID-19).

As you would be aware, we are being asked to socially distance ourselves in an effort to reduce the spread of the virus.  This has particular relevance to our bowling community as we have a high proportion of members (Approx. 70% are over 65 in Zone 15) with the highest health risk from COVID-19.  Given this risk and our ‘duty of care’, it is not surprising that our governing bodies (Bowls Australia and Bowls NSW) were quick to suspend all bowling activities.  I know that this initiative was received with a mixed reception since its introduction.  However, if we look at subsequent Government actions, to increasingly reduce allowable social interactions, the actions taken appear to be heading us in the right direction.

I appreciate that the suspension of bowling activities and the Government’s closure of registered clubs, restaurants, etc. has resulted in incredible hardships for our member Clubs and Boards that are being tasked with navigating the most appropriate path forward.  To this end there are a number of announcements of Government support relevant to these decisions and you might like to read a summary that Bowls Australia has recently put up on its website (

Whilst it is hoped that our member Clubs will remain financially viable and able to quickly recover to recommence activities once the COVID-19 risks have passed, it is also feasible that some Clubs faced with the current loss of income, may struggle to recover their pre COVID-19 level of success.  If any Clubs face this situation, I would ask that you contact the Executive Committee through our Zone Secretary so that we can try to work out whether any assistance can be co-ordinated at a Zone level.  I assure you that any approaches will be kept confidential.

Additionally, I would ask that all Clubs show leadership and enforce the suspension of all bowling activities, including roll-ups, as directed by our governing bodies, until we are advised differently.  I am reiterating this message, although I am sure that Clubs have been doing this and thereby placing no bowler at risk. The Zone Executive strongly believes that we all owe a ‘duty of care’ to our fellow Australians to do whatever we can to combat the spread of COVID-19.

I know that we would all like to revert back to some form of normal life as soon as possible, so we need to do all we can now to enable this. We have already communicated some of our concerns to Bowls NSW for the future progress of our return to bowls:
  • Essential Greens maintenance
  • Bowlers eligibility to play after 31st July 2020 (Fees)
  • Clubs may be unable to field Pennant sides in the 2nd half of the Year
  • The cost to Clubs to play two Pennant competitions in the same financial Year
  • Consideration to be given to not conducting the State Pennant Finals in 2020.
  • Change the date of Payment of Affiliation fees for all Clubs to 1st January 
Finally, I appreciate that self-isolation is frustrating and difficult for all of us and whilst we cannot physically socialise with each other at present, we need to look for other ways in which we can continue to engage with one another and do the best we can to stay positive.  If you or your Club have any innovative ideas to progress this engagement, please let us know so that they can be passed on for others to try.

Please stay safe and well.

Tony Hegyi