It's a question that has been asked by a number of bowlers on the Central Coast. All but one of our Clubs have a financial year ending 31st June. What happens if the current laws remain in place past 31st July with Clubs remaining closed physically unable to pay their affiliation fees to Bowls NSW even if they have the funds. Will almost all Central Coast bowlers be unregistered and unable to play in association events? Indeed, will any of the Zone 15 Executive, Match or Selection Committees be unable to operate legally as all members of those Committees must be registered by their Club with Bowls NSW?
The short answer is NO as Bowls NSW will ensure that it is OK.
Bowls Central Coast (Zone 15) has queried this with Bowls NSW who have advised us that they are working very hard to ensure that the effects upon clubs and members are minimised as much as possible. We have already been advised that Clubs with a financial year closing in March, April, May and June will have their payments deferred until at least June. CEO Greg Helm has assured us that "if a Club’s payment has been deferred, the eligibility of those bowling members is also extended until such time that the payment is due."
The Regulation that causes this issue is 2.5 (b) which states:
“Any Club that has not paid all Annual Fees payable within one (1) month from the date of end of the club’s financial year shall be considered Unfinancial Members with the Association and all Individual Member and Registered Players of that Club shall be ineligible to enter or play or officiate in Association Events until the outstanding dues are paid.”
As this is a Regulation it can be readily modified by decision of the Bowls NSW Board.