Important Dates

Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Lawn Bowls is Back to Normal on the Green

As from today 1/7/2020, lawn bowls can be played, as per normal, however venues (clubs) must have a COVID safe plan in place.  The maximum number of participants must not exceed 500 persons.  A participant includes all players, officials, staff, and spectators.

Womens Bowls & Bowls NSW urges all clubs to ensure that their COVID safe plans include addressing the following requirements:

  • Ensure the number of persons does not exceed one person per 4sq metres per green
  • Ensure the number of persons does not exceed one person per 4sq metres per green
  • Provide staff and volunteers with information and training on COVID-19 including physical distancing; hygiene and cleaning; and how to manage a sick participant
  • Minimise co-mingling of participants from different games and timeslots where possible
  • Ensure any spectators adhere to 1.5m social distancing
  • Reduce crowding wherever possible and promote physical distancing
  • Encourage participants to bring their own water bottle
  • Adopt good hand hygiene protocols
  • Ensure hand sanitiser stations are available at all ends of a green
  • Reduce sharing of equipment where practicable and ensure all equipment (jacks, mats, scoreboards, shared umpire equipment, seating etc.) are cleaned with detergent and disinfectant after each use
  • Ensure communal facilities, such as locker rooms, have strategies in place to avoid crowding and promote physical distancing
  • Ensure bathrooms are adequately stocked with soap and detergent and all facilities are regularly cleansed
  • Encourage contact-less payment solutions for entry fees
  • Maintain a register of all participants name and contact phone number for all sessions of activity on the bowling greens
  • COVID safe plans, may need to be updated to ensure it is current with above information.