Important Dates

Sunday, 15 November 2020

Sensational News For Halekulani Bowling Club


At Halekulani Bowling Club’s AGM last Sunday (8/11/2020), which was attended by199 members, 187 members voted in favour of an Amalgamation with The Mounties Group. Only 4 members voted against and 8 members abstained. It is unheard of to get such a high number of attendees at a bowling club AGM, which only goes to show how important this vote was for the long term future of the Club.

The Mounties Group held their AGM earlier this morning (15/11/2020) and their members also voted in favour of the Amalgamation with Halekulani Bowling Club. This is great news for the Hali members, bowlers and the local community.

I heard that one of the items in the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is that Hali green 1, will be turned into synthetic green and have a roof put over it, within 2 years.…how sensational will that be?

Congratulations to all those behind the scenes at Halekulani Bowling Club and The Mounties that made this historic event happen.

I understand that The Mounties members were also due to vote on Amalgamating with Wyong RSL Club today, but I don’t have any news on that as yet…


Peter Springett

Publicity Officer

Zone 15/BCC