Kevin Dring has resigned as the Editor of the BCC e-newsletter "Staying in Touch". As you are aware Kevin now lives in Sydney and not unreasonably has decided that after 6 years of editing the "Staying in Touch", it is time to move on. Obviously we thank Kevin for his immense service to BCC and wish him well with his future endeavours. We will miss the flair that he has for publicity and his unique style of passing on information.
The good news is that our Web Site Manager Jim Phillips has agreed to take on the role of editing the e-newsletter as well as continuing the work he did in his technical assistance to Kevin to get the e-newsletter published.
Accordingly Clubs should email any new items to both Publicity Officer Peter Springett ( and Jim ( Though I acknowledge that there is little bowls news at the moment unless it is bad news like cancellations and the passing of well known bowlers.
We thank Jim for taking on this additional role to maintain the excellence of communications in Zone 15 of which we are very proud.