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Friday, 8 April 2022

BCC Zone 15 Side Comes 2nd In 2022 Veterans Inter Zone Sides

Our Veterans representative (Over 70) Side played an excellent tournament at Wallsend on the 7th and 8th April to all but win the event loosing in the final to Zone 10 (Sydney South West).  It was still a remarkable effort and all the members of our Side should be very proud of their effort.  The Side was:

Neil Williams, Alan Lewin, Kevin Bowcock,  Warren Smith, Guy Robins, David Cameron, Bill Constantine, Garry Murphy, Chris Angove, Erik Henricksen, Brian Emms (Manager), Terry Fitzgerald,  Dick Thornton, 

The Side had a win over Zone 6 (Hunter), a draw against Zone 9 (Northern Sydney) and a win over Zone 2 (Newcastle) to make the Final.   They were beaten in the final by our good friends Zone 10 (Sydney North West).   We play an annual game with Zone 10 for the Michael Schwarcz Shield.  Zone 10 won all their games and were deserved winners.

As we all know, this event was not for the weak.  It rained for most of the event.  Everyone, especially the Manager on the Score Board got saturated on the Saturday.  Well done to our veterans who showed True Grit to make the Final.  Well Done to all. 

 Click here for the complete scores

If you would like to see some photos of the event on Zone 2 Facebook click here