After Covid cancellations in 2020 and 2021, then a washout halfway through the day in 2022, Patron's Day was successfully held for 2023 at Mingara BC on Sunday 10th December 2023.
Patron's Day is held at the request of BCC Patron John Peek, and at the suggestion of Past president Kevin Dring, BCC conducts the finals of the Patrons Graded (11 up) Pairs which is aimed at those players who are unlikely to take part in Zone Championships.
Ourimbah RSL took out 1st and 3rd, 4th, and 5th places. The winners were:
1st - Nigel O'Donnell & Brian Donald (Ourimbah RSL) 3 wins - 39 points
2nd - Gary Justin & Hayden Gilmore (The Entrance) 3 wins - 34 points
3rd - Michael Wiseman & Waylon Cochrane (Ourimbah RSL) 3 wins - 26 points
4th - Tony Harman & Allen Kelly (Ourimbah RSL) 3 wins - 22 points
5th - Graham Beard & Graham Gooch (Ourimbah RSL) 3 wins - 5 points
6th - Allan Peters & Bob Taylor 2.5 wins - 17
The $1,050 prize money was presented to the winners by BCC President Brian Emms.
The Mingara BC were excellent hosts with their superb facilities. Club representatives provided a great BBQ that was enjoyed by all. Particular thanks are extended to President Mark Rayner and Kyle Langley for their most capable assistance
Thanks are also extended to Creightons for their sponsorship of Patron's Day and their on-going support of other BCC events as well as those of many other Central Coast Clubs. They are wonderful supporters of Lawn Bowls on the Central Coast.Thanks were also extended to the BCC Match Committee Chairman for his most precise management of the event.
In conclusion Clubs were advised by Secretary Doug Rose that BCC will be fighting to ensure that the new unified BCC/CCDWBA body will be able to conduct this event and other events like it next year. It will be very difficult to conduct this event in 2024 if the financial regime that Bowls NSW currently has imposed on the CCDWBA is also imposed on the new unified BCC/CCDWBA body.