Important Dates

Sunday, 20 November 2022

2022-23 Reserve Fours Champions Breakers-Wamberal BC

Congratulations to the Reserve Fours Champions Vanessa Ward, Nathan Ward, Terry Rugg and Ian Betterridge from Breakers-Wamberal BC who defeated Ken Muiry, Scott Jackson, Michael Waddington and Doug Ellery from Canton Beach BC 28-18 in a game that certainly had everything in it. Canton Beach jumped out to an early 5-1 lead after 4 ends by Breakers were just starting to warm to there task. The scoreboard read 9-9 after 8 ends, with Breakers applied the pressure, the lead ballooned out to 24-9 after 14 ends Breakers way and looking the goods until Canton Beach found another gear. With the score at 24-18 on the 18 end and Canton Beach holding 4 shots, Ian Betterridge with his last bowl played a cracker, killing the end. The very next end was a Tied End and unfortunately the wind had gone out of the Canton Beach sails with Breakers winning the last two ends and the Reserve Fours Championship.    

From L to R - Vanessa Ward, Nathan Ward, Terry Rugg and Ian Betterridge. Breakers-Wamberal BC.

From L to R - Ken Muiry, Scott Jackson, Michael Waddington and Doug Ellery. Canton Beach BC.